Monday, November 26, 2007

malaysia boleh spirit

yesterday.. protest had once again occurred in the heart of the city to pass a partition to the king on indian rights that not been given by the government...

after the protest regarding the fair election incident, Malaysians have been constantly raising issues of their discontentment and suppressed anger towards the goverment. what has this indicated? for the past decade, Malaysia had proven their worth as top 5 most corrupted nations in the world. yet little has been done.. what will happen if this goes on??

will migrating be an alternative route? will this country strictly enforce islam to curb problems? will this nation fall apart and once again become a 3rd word country?

the future is in ur hands.. election is coming soon.. what will the current ruling party do to overcome this situation and be at peace with all the protest. will firing tear gas and chemical water at people help? or is it just a gesture of desperation?

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