Sunday, June 22, 2008

the sabbath day

Genesis 2:2-3

2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

sabbath day is my day of rest... the day where I DO NOT NEED TO WORK...!!!

sadly.. at about 7.30am, 2 indian workers came around mt house calling "tuan.. tuan.." woken up by the calling i answered them and asked what was the matter... they needed the key for the diesel pump for the lorries and trucks... the staff who was suppose to attend to that was not around!!!..!!! so i rode my bike over to unlock the pump to alow them to fill 1 truck n 1 lorry... what a waste of my time..!!!

then i got back.. did some blogging then took a shower, breakfast then headed to Hope EFC.. a church at bahau..

ummmm... this was the church that repeated the songs over n over again... but thank goodness the worship leader today was bit better.. although her voice was like.. i dunno what la.. squeaky.. honestly i consider myself a bad worship leader but then she's way worse than me:P hahahahaha.... anyhow, pastor teoh took over at the end and sang few other songs which was really worshipful... but still repeating it over n over again... my mouth also tired.. first time i worship God mouth tired.. lol...

then pastor teoh gave a message about loving God... bla bla bla... honestly speaking i did not really understand his message.. probably i was bit blur coz i did not sleep well the night.. got problems la.. haihz...

after the service i tot ppl would hang around n fellowship like other churches.. but the weird thing was that everyone disappeared right after the closing prayer.. only leaving few ppl behind which included me... so noticing that.. i also pai seh la.. faster ciao.... on the way to the car somehow i dunno too lucky or something.. stepped on a packet of chili sauce from some chicken rice la... then it burst n my pants was covered with it... crap man... gross... i wanted to go cut my hair as my senior manager complaining that my hair is long.. haihz... so i had to cancel my plan to go home n change la..

got home... just slacked around.. reading blogs, posting stuff n chatting with ppl la.. plus missing someone... hiahz... so long din see her liao...

but then honestly speaking la.. now i look horrible lor.. all the wounds coz i tend to scratch when i'm itchy.. so yeah.. here got alot of bugs plus some times the leaves of some plants make ur hand n legs itchy... so my hands n legs got alot of wounds la... but then wont die la... just not nice to see.. plus now i'm darker ady.. n my complexion worsen... coz i guess the climate different n got alot of dust on my face when i ride the motorcycle around...

basically today what i did at home was
1. blogging
2. chatting
3. playing winning 11 on Mr.Chiew's ps2
4. sleeping
5. play with Max n bring him for a walk
6. miss someone
7. watch tv
8. missing more of that same someone (must emphasize on the SAME)

like that lor.. until now.. 10.22pm...

going to sleep liao la...

remember to drink more H20 k.. c",)

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